Minors Trust Fund

Minors Trust Fund

Lavita Hill is the EBCI Treasury Specialist. She administers the Tribe’s current investments, including Minors Trust Fund and Elected Officials Pension. Lavita’s contact information is email: lavihill@ebci-nsn.gov or office phone: 828-359-7085. Finance Department phone: 828-359-6001.

Connor Reed is the EBCI treasury analyst. He is responsible for the quarterly distributions of the Minors Trust Fund. If you need assistance with an application, please contact Connor at email: connreed@ebci-nsn.gov or office phone: 828-359-6640.

Manage Your Fund

EBCI Treasury Office partnered with USI Consulting Group to bring you online access to your Minors Trust Fund Account. Every participant in the Minors Trust Fund has online access to their information. You can use the portal to view your account balance, retrieve a distribution application, view quarterly statements, and receive your tax forms. Use the instructions below to register your account. You must log in to access your account balance if you are planning to purchase a house with your Minors Fund.

Application Deadlines:

Your Financial Future

Since your enrollment date, your Per Capita payments have been placed in the Minors Trust Fund. Your Minors Trust Fund is in an investment account that is available to you in staggered disbursements at age 18, age 21, and age 25. You may also access your Minors Trust Fund to purchase a house or for a one-time educational need or for a medical emergency. Minors Trust Fund Disbursement Guidelines are printed on each application.


*Forms must be mailed to EBCI Office of Budget & Finance or hand delivered to 468 Sequoyah Trail, Cherokee, NC. Forms must be notarized.

Developing Financial Literacy

The EBCI Department of Treasury and the EBCI Investment Committee are pleased to offer a new Financial Literacy program for all – StockTrak. This program is geared to students Grade 4 and higher, well into adulthood. Check it out! https://edu.stocktrak.com/ebci/


Other websites

  • Minors Fund online portal: www.usicg.com
  • Age 18 Disbursement, financial skills test: www.manageyourebcimoney.org
    • If you cannot print your financial skills certificate, no worries, the Treasury Office is happy to assist you, just send us an email once you’ve successfully completed all the modules.