Employee Rights

Employee Rights

The Employee Rights (ER) Department provides assistance to EBCI employees, management and non-management. Technical assistance and guidance are provided (procedural and legal consultation from Attorney General’s office) for employee grievances and corrective actions. We also manage the EBCI Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee is available to all EBCI employees who receive a Corrective Action, Step 2 (Written Reprimand), Step 3 (Suspension without Pay), or Step 4 (Involuntary Termination).

The Employee Rights Department also provides an Employee Assistance Program (Employee Assistance Network-EAN) that provides free consultation and counseling for all EBCI employees and their families. The EAN also provides consultation to program managers and mediation. The EAN provides free online trainings. This program is currently providing a 50 percent savings from our 2015-2016 EAP program ($40,000 to $20,000). In 2018 the EAN provided 199 employee appointments. This included 50 management referrals, 30 self-referrals and 201 management consultations. In conjunction with the EAN we presented the first Tribal-wide required Harassment Training.