

Projects and accomplishments:

  • Council House Power and Audio/Video Upgrade: This project began about four years ago and included planning and complete overhaul of the electrical system as well as the Broadcast system. Original estimates for the Audio/Visual system alone were around $250,000, with the final product coming in around $190,000.
  • Three of the seven cellular towers have been completed and are serving the community well. Mt. Noble is expected to begin construction in October, if all goes according to plan, and Hyatt Cove is nearing a start date.
  • Fiber optic deployments are at an unsurpassed high for the department. We have worked with contractors and PMs to deploy the fiber optic for the cellular towers along with our normal building moves, adds, and changes.  Finance, Council House reroute, Snowbird Treatment Center, and Snowbird Child Development are additions to the fiber route that have been installed and are functioning or are close to functioning. With the soon-to-be-completed addition of our Network building, located on Knight Street in Robbinsville, we will be bringing online our Tribal programs in Graham County as well as beginning the deployment of our ODAS Cellular system to the Snowbird Community.
  • The Finance Building move was a huge success in relation to planning and execution. The building’s logistics were worked out with the contractor as well as a reroute of the fiber optic ring to accommodate the need for keeping the Council House and TOP online while we made the move out of the finance node of the fiber ring.  We continue to plan for the demolition of the back-Finance Building, which includes the final moving of all data feeds out of this fiber optic node.